Jefferson for America

Jefferson for America

:A fictional interview with the 3rd president of the United States …


I feel like a character out of the play, Hamilton, making this statement.  But welcome back, Mr. Jefferson.  You’ve been gone a long, long time!

Thomas Jefferson: Yes, I know. It’s great to be back. That Lin-Manuel Miranda fellow is talented. I have heard about his play. It seems to me he pretty well nailed it. But he did make me out to be a little more flamboyant than I am. I can assure you I cannot dance like that performer who played me. Dare I ask? chosetWhat did I miss?

Yeah, that was some great stepping in the play.  I loved the character it gave you even though we all know you as being a more serious person.  Let’s start there.  Any thoughts you would like to share first on Hamilton?

I am sure you know that Alexander and I did not always see eye-to-eye on many things.  He wanted a strong central government.  I wanted states to have more authority.  He preferred institutional government.  I preferred active citizenry.  He died young.  I lived a full life.

Despite those differences, though, you two shared a few traits in common, I understand.

True.  We both believed in the potential of our young nation and the promise of our Constitution.  We agreed on the strength that comes from knowledge and the application of intelligence to everyday problem-solving.  We both wanted the best for people – I called it life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, you might remember.

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