A modern American political mediazine



What would politics be without policies? What would our elected officials and candidates do if we did not have policies to argue over? What policies are worth debating, and which should we all ignore?

Thomas has a few policies we would like to review, propose, and discuss. Some require reporting here because of where they come from today. Others will be added shortly, especially as they relate to our philosophy that generosity can help fund the future, so keep watching to see what we highlight next.

An example of this concept can be found in our article:

Franklin Can Save Us Again?

In the meantime, please start the debate and join us for some gratifying give-and-take over. Should we or shouldn’t we? Enjoy the conversation and collaboration!

Trinity College, Oxford University

Trinity College, Oxford University

The Three Trinity Doctrine (New concept)

Throughout American political history, we have consistently had a series of foreign policy and defense doctrines defining the ages. The Monroe Doctrine, The Truman Doctrine, The Nixon Doctrine, The Carter and Bush 43 Doctrines, just to name a few.

Defining the Obama and Trump doctrines has been difficult, and that lack of clarity often confuses our adversaries, allies, and citizens.

Team Thomas has developed a clarifying doctrine for the United States that we are advocating, called The Three Trinity Doctrine.

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Medical Innovation Zones (New Proposal)

A Medical Innovation Zone (MIZ) is a legislative concept modeled on Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) and Free Trade Zone laws currently in force. Still, it only applies to healthcare-related research, development, education, and translational commercialization programs. 

Healthcare consumes 10% of most developed nations' Gross Domestic Product (GDP).  U.S. GDP in 2018 was $20.54 trillion.  Every man, woman, and child in the U.S. is expected to spend more than $12,000 each by the end of 2016, which is $3.96 trillion, based on a 2019 population of 330 million.

The world population is 7 billion.

Artemis by NASA

Artemis by NASA

American transformational innovation trust (New Proposal)

The government can no longer afford to put humans on the moon or send them to Mars alone. The costs of research and development are just too significant. Innovation is not for the faint of heart, goes the old saying.

Team Thomas is advocating for creating a new financial trust called the American Transformational Innovation Trust (AT IT), where investors of all kinds can designate funds for transformational innovation initiatives structured through public-private-philanthropic partnerships at low-tax, tax-deferred, and tax-free investments.

Space, energy, housing, manufacturing, and healthcare. The potential is unlimited for being innovatively funded.


Donald J. Trump certainly made a run at skirting accountability to Congress, despite its oversight role in the U.S. Constitution and the courts where the rule of law traditionally prevails.

45 said he had “absolute power” to do what he wanted - or didn’t want to do. He certainly tried that strategy.

It is vital to a functioning democracy that no president, and for that matter no American public official regardless of party, be able to navigate around ethics when ethics is essential in public service.

Our recommendations for making the President and any elected official in America more accountable to We The People are here to see.

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florida frontline public servant compensation act

The Sunshine State ranks low on the compensation scale for teachers, firefighters, police, sheriffs, ambulance, and other critical services.

We know how to pay these great public servants more competitively for doing a job we all need to do well in Florida.