Protect the consumer …
Florida had a consumer guardian angel a long time ago now.
She was a “Maitland housewife,” and if you were an intelligent Sunshine politician, you knew not to ever, ever, ever cross her.
Paula Hawkins was a force to be reckoned with. As chair of the Florida Public Service Commission, she made a name for herself looking out for Average Joe and Jane Florida. Unwarranted price hikes by public utilities never scaled her wall.
Ronald Reagan loved Paula Hawkins, who served two terms in the United States Senate.
Consumer protection was never a convenience to this talented public servant. And it should not be today for any public official who runs on behalf of We The People.
This page is dedicated to Senator Paula Hawkins’ spirit, determination, and integrity.
U.S. Senator Paula Hawkins
Paula & The Gipper
read more on senator hawkins
Read: is public service dead?
Consumer Protection Question #1 - Central Florida residents are flooding Next Door with complaints that their utility bills have skyrocketed between the June & July invoices. Our editor-in-chief’s bill went from $325 in June to $450 in July. His thermostat was stuck in June and July at 81 degrees. His May and June bill was staked to an average thermostat reading of 78 degrees. June and July were essentially even hot summer months for Florida. What gives @dukeenergy?
Thomas has asked, and we will let you know what they say and what we believe about that answer. Stay tuned! More to come!