Hamilton & Jefferson

“They Were In The Room …

“They were adversaries. They were compatriots. They were enigmas of their generation - and ours.

Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson.

One was the Federalist and one was the Anti-Federalist.

The brilliant playwright Lin-Manuel Miranda made one look brilliant and made one look flamboyant. Both entertaining. Both are historically memorable.

In reality, the flamboyant one became president of the United States after drafting the United States Declaration of Independence, and the other our first Secretary of the Treasury before being shot in a duel with the then-Vice President of the United States, Aaron Burr, on this same day in history, July 11th. Hamilton would die the next day, July 12th, in New York City and is buried at Trinity Church.

Both were prolific writers who moved a nation with their words, wisdom, and driving ambition.

They were founding fathers but who were they? How were they alike and how were they different? What differences did they bring to the emerging Republic?

How might history best judge them? What impact did they have on this nation we call, the United States of America?

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