The Three Trinity Doctrine

Redundancy & Predictability …

Throughout American history, presidential administrations have advocated for very clear foreign policy doctrines, on occasion.

  • James Monroe had his Monroe Doctrine which demanded that nations in the Americas are sovereign and not to be messed with if he could help it

  • Teddy Roosevelt believed that nations in the Western Hemisphere were the sovereign player

  • Harry S Truman advocated for the “walk softly but carry a big stick” attitude that promoted containment

  • The Ronald Reagan Doctrine called for, “verify, verify again, and re-verify”

  • The Bill Clinton Doctrine focused on preferred intervention

  • The Barack Obama Doctrine selectively applied without necessary explanation

  • And, the Trump Doctrine is undefined, unclarified, and confusing, which is why the world is such a mess, forgive the bluntness.

America has come to the point where it needs a new foreign policy doctrine that is easy to understand, simple to comply with, and clean to communicate.

The Doctrine we advocate we call, The Three Trinity Doctrine.

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