Heads in the Sand

Analysis by Ben Everidge for Thomas
Illustration Credit: Steve Garner - Why the Rhino?
Donald Trump’s presidential address to the joint session of Congress and the Democrats’ predictable reaction are unnerving to political independents who voted last November to break the status quo in Washington and improve our collective lot in life.
What we all got from both political parties, who have their heads buried even deeper in the political sand than ever before, was nonsensical theater, intentionally misleading falsehoods, and outrageous exaggerations. All to justify an end to the means courtesy of our two major-party-dominated government that will do precious little to improve the fortunes of average American families across this nation.
For his part, trying to convince a skeptical public, Mr. Trump trumpeted, “America’s momentum is back.” He said, “Our spirit is back, our pride is back, our confidence is back. And the American Dream is surging bigger and better than ever before.”
Is it, though? Are we back full of pride and confidence when consumer confidence fell dramatically since Inauguration Day just six weeks ago and the Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbled 670 points on the day of Trump’s Presidential Address?
The President’s choice to dramatically and controversially change how the federal government operates is his prerogative. He won the 2024 election, defeating Kamala Harris and the Democrats and taking control of the United States Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. Provided, of course, that President Trump respects the United States Constitution and the Rule of Law in America while doing so.
Putting hardcore partisan politics and blame aside, it is safe to say that how Mr. Trump is making that change to our federal government is what makes political independents anxious. Few know what to expect or how to plan for it. No modern president has strained the boundaries of the United States Constitution more or threatened to do so in his bid to be the unitarian power in America.