Florida, Florida, Florida!


The author, our Editor-in-Chief at Thomas, has worked for more than ten years on professional committees, personal offices, and campaign staff for Democratic members of Congress from Florida including former United States Senator and late Governor Lawton Chiles, and former United States Senator and astronaut Bill Nelson.

He is a registered Independent since 2012 and voted for the Trump-Pence ticket in 2016. The author earned his Master’s degree in American Government from Georgetown University where he was also named a prestigious University Fellow. He is also the author of the forthcoming political novel, Hoya Saxa: Honor Among Grey Ghosts, which is a sequel to Hoya: The Watchmen Waketh, published in 2017 about the fictional 48th president of the United States from Florida.

The Ticket is Set . . .

Democrat Joseph R. Biden has selected California Junior United States Senator Kamala Harris to be his running mate in the presidential election against the formidable incumbent Donald J. Trump-Mike Pence ticket for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue this November 3rd.

President Trump, a new resident of the Sunshine State, has said that he is doubling down on winning Florida, and former Vice President Biden appears to have matched 45’s hand with his historic selection of Harris, the first woman of color to be a major party’s nominee for Vice President.

The selection of Harris was a critically important hurdle for winning the White House for the Biden campaign.

“It’s Florida, Florida, Florida!”

NBC News’ late Tim Russert liked to remind America that presidential races are often all about Florida, Florida, Florida! This election will be no different it appears.

Trump is from New York which appears to be leaning Democrat this election. Harris is from California which similarly appears to be leaning Democrat in 2020 as well. Indiana, Mike Pence’s hometown, maybe trending Republican but has far fewer electoral college votes to contribute to the political pie, as can be said for Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware. That leaves Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Ohio as the next biggest prizes on the presidential election table and Florida is most definitely in play and available.

Florida will react well to Senator Harris on the Biden ticket, demographically. Democrats hold a voter registration advantage over Republicans and Independents who make up well over a quarter of the voting age registration themselves will, no doubt, trend Democrat as well. Especially given the sour national economy, exploding COVID-19 pandemic, and weak performance by its Republican Governor and Trump clone, Ron DeSantis.

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