Ben EveridgeComment

A Great Equalizer?

Ben EveridgeComment
A Great Equalizer?

Opinion for Thomas by Ben Everidge

Credit: iStock and Dzmitry Dzemidovich

Earned Media: a Great equalizer for Independents?

Since qualifying for the United States Senate race in Florida on April 26th, I have issued more than 50 substantive news releases and 50 video vignettes explaining who I am, what I believe in, and how I can best help Floridians meet the challenges they have been dealt with without being as extreme and overly dramatic as my opponents.

One reporter wrote two stories based on the more than 50 news releases and statements. I am baffled that our coverage has been that light because, in my previous life, I’ve had news releases printed in almost every major publication and national broadcast outlet in the United States. I am throwing political media some enticing political fire in these releases that directly address the challenges of the two major party candidates.

As an independent, I understand that my opponents, Rick Scott and Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, have and will outraise me. Being outraised by party-related contributions comes with being independent without the advantage of party infrastructure. However, money should not be the only answer to whether a candidate is qualified for office. 

For the two major party candidates, money is the lifeblood of their campaigns. For an independent candidate, policy differences and earned media are the backbone of their campaign.

In American campaigns, money should not be everything, although watching 2024, it is evident that is where we are. What candidates believe in, what they advocate, and how they propose helping Floridians should be of value as well. I firmly believe that the person with the most money should not be able to buy the office. This is not a good outcome for American democracy.

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