A modern American political mediazine

who is thomas?



WE ARE a modern american political mediazine …

“When the press is free, and every man can read, all is safe.”

           Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States,

          Author of the Declaration of Independence

First and foremost, we are a pro-independent, pro-democracy, pro-U.S. Constitution group, and we thank you for your interest in Thomas.

As you are probably quickly discovering, our publication does not originate from the mainstream or new media, although we can probably best be described as being exactly both in some form or fashion—a new media magazine that will one day be mainstream.

We call ourselves a mediazine because we have everything —video, print, audio, and response—embedded on one platform.

Inspired by Thomas Jefferson, our third president of the United States and the author of America’s Declaration of Independence, ordinary citizens who care deeply about our beloved country want to bring you the best that we believe politics can offer at a very challenging time in our history.

Admittedly, you will quickly discover that we are independent in political thought and independent in our publishing decisions.

Like you, we are Americans who are deeply troubled that Washington, and thus many of our state capitals too, are often gridlocked and unable to serve our people’s needs when they are at perhaps their most excellent levels since World War II.  We are appalled that a sitting president of the United States would have whipped up his supporters to physically storm both houses of Congress to overturn an election that every state in our nation validated as free, fair, and an expression of the will of a majority of our citizens.  It is even more mind-blowing that so many members of Congress would then deny the 2020 election results in the face of such overwhelming Republican-determined evidence.

We have watched with tremendous alarm in recent months the failure of both parties to somewhat reform our health care system, preserve our jobs, properly reinvigorate America’s financial services industry, prosecute numerous wars that should have ended a long time ago, meddled in local zoning issues that in one case inflamed believers of all faiths – Christian, Jewish and Muslim, and failed to protect America in the deadly coronavirus pandemic. 

We shook our heads watching a majority party in the United Congress, through the actions of a minimal and radical number of members, throw out a duly elected Speaker of the House of Representatives and shut down the federal government for three long, agonizing weeks when national security demanded more of us.

It makes our hearts heavy and our minds boggled that American debt is so outstanding and consequently threatening the very future of American-inspired freedom and liberty far beyond the threats our country has physically endured from overseas and, at times, within, like now.

It frustrates us that the American public’s trust in government has been shattered by scandal, a mountain of untruths (we do call them documented lies), and partisan-inspired gridlock. Washington will tell you that America is broken.  In the words of a modern-day Dan Webster, who ran for and won a seat in Congress from Central Florida multiple times, he and others will tell you, “America is not broken; Washington is.” 

It would appear. But Representative Webster also went the extra mile to undermine American democracy, in our opinion, by voting to subvert the ballots of millions of Americans who voted in the 2020 presidential election - the same evening that Trump supporters stormed the United States Capitol, injuring some and leading to the deaths of others no less.


Thomas comes to you from people who Mr. Jefferson no doubt would call citizen journalists.
— Thomas 2024


Thomas comes to you in this age of significant political threat to American democracy from people whom Mr. Jefferson no doubt would call citizen journalists.

We’re Independents, rational Democrats, and reforming Republicans. 

We’re conservatives, moderates, and liberals who believe Washington and our state capitals can and should do better.  Must do better. 

We’re experienced folks who see many good things in our two parties, but we also see many bad things. 

We see hope in the rise of a viable, broad-based third political party and citizen town criers who once called themselves the Tea Party.  No.  Not members of that Tea Party from a few years ago, but from that Tea Party more than two centuries ago in Boston Harbor.  Understand that being politically active is good, in our opinion, no matter your political persuasion, as long as you believe in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Our objective, very simply, is to bring you the best and most democracy-biased information possible about our elected officials, candidates, parties, the U.S. electoral system, our government itself, and all of the news and personalities that make election seasons fun, exciting, and life-altering.

As silly or naïve as that might sound, we are committed to finding political truth, whether we like it or not, whether our elected officials like it or not.  And we intend to discuss it actively and often with you.

It is not our purpose to take singular positions against people running for office or currently holding any given seat in government.  But you can bet that we will certainly speak up nonetheless. We will be forceful advocates for the issues Americans believe in and aspire to, especially when seen through the prism of our founding principles, the very principles Mr. Jefferson so brilliantly espoused to generations of Americans who embraced them then and followed them later.

We are committed to political integrity and will not be deterred or distracted. But, if we entertain and educate you simultaneously, we will not complain either.

Therefore, Thomas is designed to be a free-to-subscriber mediazine full of entertaining articles, videos, and photo essays. It is full of information designed for you, not just party loyalists. 

Thomas is free because the sponsors who wish to offer you access to their superb services and other quality programs pay for it with their advertising dollars.  Where their biases, like ours, exist, we will fully disclose them to you to the best of our ability so that you can decide who and what you want to support.  

No filters.  No joke.

It will not be our role to tell you how to vote or for whom to vote for in any given election.  While we will not oppose or support candidates for political office because of their party identity and even many issues they may espouse, you can bet we will speak up loud and clear against those who would undermine, oppose, or attempt to dismantle American democracy.

We will provide perspectives worth considering when you decide which candidate or party deserves your approval and trust.

We are committed to everything that can be and is good in American politics and want to share it with you as quickly as possible. We won’t be giving you breaking news as it happens - we will leave that up to other media. However, we will provide you with a more in-depth analysis in the context of Mr. Jefferson’s words of wisdom, which many sources do not have the time or interest to provide.

Like the remarkable Mr. Jefferson, we believe in every American’s God-given right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  We believe in a free press and the ability of our fellow citizens to decide for themselves what should be.

We will focus on our values, not those that separate us. We will focus on being Americans together, not Democrats, Republicans, or Independents first. 

We will first focus on being fellow citizens - not Texans, Floridians, Californians, or Nebraskans.  

We will be Americans in our perspective – first and always.

If you entrust your email address to us, we pledge not to sell your name or contact information to any third party.  All offers to you will come through us and only us.

At any time that you wish to unsubscribe, you can hit a key at the bottom of every page you encounter, and it will be done.

We hope you will enjoy Thomas as much as we know we will enjoy bringing it to you. 

Here’s to the following chapters in American political history!   

Here’s to you!