A modern American political mediazine

the great rebuilder?


Opinion by Team Thomas


trump on the flipside …

He promised to “Make America Great Again,” and Donald J. Trump has been delivering in spades to his legions of voters—redeveloper spades. Spades driving detractors on the flip side of his politics are crazy.

If Ronald Reagan was known as the Great Communicator, Donald Trump is gaining a reputation among his loyal base for being “The Great Rebuilder.

Like a development project, the President is redesigning and reconstructing America into his image, disregarding the expected rules, regulations, and protocols of traditional Washington.

Obamacare has been gutted, the first step in clearing the foundation for a better healthcare system, he argues.  He pledged that tax reform reinvigorated corporate America so that jobs could be generated for the benefit of our working-class citizens. The coronavirus crisis in America has been whipped through forceful and swift White House actions before it could kill more than 250,000 Americans.

Infrastructure improvements are on the horizon. A “beautiful” border wall will contain our security and is going up quickly. Realigned trade priorities and foreign alliances are in progress. President Trump promises it’s all in a day’s work at the White House.

Given these accomplishments, supporters of the President are expecting an even more productive 2020 and beyond as the November elections approach.
— Thomas 2020

Just consider his progress to date, say Trump supporters:

  • The President survived Impeachment in the Senate on two counts: Obstruction of Congress and Abuse of Power related to allegedly withholding $400 billion in military aid to Ukraine. Moreover, in doing so, the President and the White House successfully ignored a host of congressional subpoenas and investigations, strengthening the power of the Executive Branch over that of the Legislative Branch;

  • Two new Supreme Court Justices, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, were confirmed in rapid order by the Senate, tilting the court to the right in the process. Other appointments may be in the wings as several current Justices are ailing or contemplating retirement;

  • Obamacare's mandate was finally successfully repealed, effectively neutralizing a healthcare access law that the President and many Republicans believe to be damaging to American interests. The case is pending before the Supreme Court for final determination on its constitutionality, and the White House is confident it will be terminated;

  • The President has nominated a record number of judges to the federal bench, including the most federal appeals judges to be confirmed by the United States Senate in recent memory. These appointments will ensure that the Trump Administration will have a measurable impact on public policy for decades to come and well after the President has left the White House;

  • By Executive Order, the President has rolled back a litany of federal regulations that Mr. Trump and many members of Congress have argued are anti-individual liberties or bad economics;

  • Created the Space Force, the sixth branch of the U.S. armed forces, establishing, in essence, a centralized chain of command to protect American national security interests in space;

  • Oversaw the most significant tax overhaul in many decades under the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, which slashed the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% and gave temporary benefits to individuals and families;

  • Contained ISIS by reducing their forces in Iraq and Syria to less than 18,000 and neutralized several terror leaders such as the notorious Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi;

  • Up until COVID-19, cut by half the rate of growth the national debt incurred under President Obama and enjoyed significant stock market growth while generating one million new jobs;

  • Stepped up enforcement of U.S. immigration laws and banned certain VISAs from countries deemed dangerous to American citizens;

  • Adopted provisions to oppose sanctuary city initiatives in various illegal immigrant-rich states strongly;

  • Diverted billions in previously appropriate funds and secured another $1.6 billion in direct congressional funding for a security wall along the Mexican border and achieved a substantial decrease in annual illegal immigration rates;

  • Substantially increased federal spending to modernize America's military and undertook a modernization review for our nuclear arsenal;

  • Appointed a new Federal Reserve Board chair;

  • Terminated the FBI Director and the Deputy Director for mishandling investigations and having rogue law enforcement on the ropes politically;

  • Overturned a federal enforcement ban on marijuana sales in states that have legalized its use;

  • Began phasing out private prisons authorized under the Obama Administration and successfully reduced mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines for drug felonies while also increasing rehabilitation and job training opportunities for prisoners;

  • Approved the relocation of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem;

  • The Secretary of Education and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator, in particular, have substantially reversed regulations within their departments that Progressives have long favored from earlier Administrations;

  • Strongly opposed global warming initiatives and calls for new regulations domestically and internationally, as well as withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement;

  • Cancelled U.S. participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership and renegotiated provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement;

  • Mr. Trump's Federal Trade Commission voted to end the Obama Administration's net neutrality regulations;

  • Reduced the land area of national monuments, such as in the state of Utah;

  • Authorized more oil drilling leases and exploration permits in offshore areas along many coastal U.S. communities previously banned;

  • Reinstated the Keystone XL and Dakota Pipeline projects;

  • imposed new tariffs on imported steel and aluminum and oversaw a successful tariff war with China;

  • Made permanent and increased tariffs on Canadian milk imports;

  • Blocked a Chinese attempt to purchase the Chicago Stock Exchange and blocked the acquisition of microchip maker Qualcomm by Singapore's Broadcom for national security purposes;

  • Adopted a stricter stance against Iranian, North Korean, and Venezuelan aggression and inequitable United Nations, World Health Organization, and NATO funding support from member states;

  • Reversed Cuban trade and tourism agreements secured under the Obama Administration;

  • Kept open the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp slated for closure under the previous White House;

  • Dramatically reduced the price of two new Air Force One aircraft in production with the Boeing Corporation;

  • Re-prioritized NASA funding to include missions to Mars in the 2030s and a return to the moon;

  • Vigorously challenged political correctness and what he perceived to be "fake news" from mainstream news organizations;

  • Mr. Trump has been donating his presidential salary to charitable ventures of choice and has substantially reduced the size of his White House staff; and,

  • Made “America Great Again” and is now transitioning to greatness, as planned.

Given these accomplishments, President supporters expect an even more productive 2020 and beyond as the November elections approach. 

If the 2020 elections do indeed prove out to be a referendum on the President's policies and popularity, remarkably consistent and stable Trump base members expect the House of Representatives to remain in Republican hands for another two-year cycle, at least while the United States Senate, they contend, will withstand its assault by the Democrats and is not actually at risk at all.

It will be interesting to watch and see what happens next.  Politics is a participation sport where emotions can overtake reason when necessary; it would seem!