A modern American political mediazine

The texas delegation


congressional officials …

The second largest congressional delegation in the nation, Texas, has a pretty diverse and electorally stable congressional delegation with a significant education and work history track record in their own right.

Of the 40 members in the 2022-2023 class, eight are female and 32 male; however, fourteen are minority representatives through the end of the year. Sixteen are lawyers, quite a few are business people, and four have medical degrees, including dentistry. One holds a doctorate, while nineteen graduate degrees have been conferred on members of the delegation.

One delegation member is a former Texas Supreme Court justice. Another is a retired judge, two are former Texas secretaries of state, and several are former officials in the George W. Bush, Barrack Obama, and Donald Trump administrations.

Eight members of the Texas congressional delegation are military members, the majority of whom have combat experience in Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Iraq, as well as are graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point, the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, and the United States Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs.

The average tenure for the delegation is 4.9 terms, assuming everyone completes their service through the end of 2024. The longest-serving member has been in Congress for 15 terms; two members have that distinction.

Seven members of the Texas delegation are freshmen.

When you look at these profiles, we have given each a letter grade for their effort this Congress, based on various factors, which you will find in What Is Thomas Looking For? These letter grades are probably pretty familiar to you if you have ever been a school student (we hope the answer to that is we all have!)

If you see a meager score for a particular member, it will probably be due to one or two key factors: ethics challenges or anti-democratic behavior.

  • Republicans have been hit hard on their lack of pushback on former President Trump and their support of election denying in the 2020 presidential campaign. The unanswered soaring deficit on their watch, the dismantling of allied relationships around the globe, and opposition to funding anti-authoritarian initiatives. The denial of climate change weighs heavily on us as well. We make no secret that transparency and Government in the Sunshine are vital to us, and we further argue that some have been awful stewards of this category. For example, thirteen of the 40 Texas delegation members, including a former judge, voted to overturn the 2020 presidential election results on the same evening as Trump supporters stormed the United States Capitol.

  • Democrats have been hit hard for their lack of progress on critical matters because they control the United States Senate and have a razor-close margin in the U.S. House of Representatives. They have not been, in our opinion, innovative or necessarily insistent on finding rational, reasonable solutions to the problems plaguing the American public today. We want to see more and better.

  • Both have been dinged for being too partisan and not collaborative where evident. In our opinion, being too doctrinaire and an obstructionist to good government in the 21st century gets one a bad grade in our book.

We also indicate what we believe might be the outcome of these Members’ 2024 elections today. The overwhelming majority of House members were re-elected in 2022, but, as we said, several Democrats lost to Republicans in the surprise of their lives, perhaps. One of two United States Senators is up for re-election this season.

Our prospect ratings fall into three categories:

  • Safe Bet - which means what it means. These members of Congress are running strong and look to be overwhelming prospects for re-election at this time. However, we reserve the right to re-categorize their chances if necessary.

  • It’s A Race - which means this race is too close to call, and we can not reasonably predict who will win this seat.

  • Nudging - means the seat is leaning one way or another for this candidate. We have just a small number of current members of Congress in this category. Senator Cruz is included since he has a race in 2024. Stay tuned!

So, would you like to meet these fascinating Texans? If so, keep reading on!

What Is Thomas Looking For?

Here are the vulnerable races we are watching in Texas for 2024:

  • TXS2 - Ted Cruz’s seat (Incumbent R)

  • TX15 - Monica De La Cruz’s seat (Incumbent R)

  • TX28 - Henry Cuellar’s seat (Incumbent D)

the senators


Credit: US Sen. John Cornyn

United States Senator John Cornyn (R)

Texas’s senior senator is John Cornyn, serving his fourth term. Senator Cornyn is a member of the Intelligence Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Judiciary Committee.  The married father of two is a former member of the Texas Supreme Court and was the Texas Attorney General before winning election to the Senate.  He graduated from Trinity University, earned his law degree from St. Mary’s University, and has an LLM from the University of Virginia.

Thomas Take: Not Up for Re-Election in 2024

Thomas Rank: C



Credit: US Sen. Ted Cruz

United states senator ted cruz (r)

Texas’ junior senator is completing his second term in the Senate and is up for re-election in 2024.  A former presidential candidate in 2016 who lost the Republican nomination to Donald Trump, Senator Cruz was the Texas Solicitor General before winning election to the Senate. The married father of two is a member of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee; the Foreign Relations Committee; the Rules and Administration Committee; the Judiciary Committee; and the Joint Economic Committee.  Senator Cruz graduated from Princeton University with his law degree from Harvard University.

Thomas Take: Running for Re-Election in 2024

Thomas Rank: F



the representatives


Credit: US Rep. Nathaniel Moran

district 1 - u.s. rep. Nathaniel moran (r)

Congressman Nathaniel Moran is a freshman member of the House who serves on the Judiciary, Foreign Affairs, and Education and the Workforce committees.  His district is located in northeastern Texas.  Congressman Moran is married and the father of three. He graduated from Texas Tech, earning his undergraduate, graduate, and law degrees.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: B



district 2 - U.S. Rep. dan crenshaw (r)

Congressman Dan Crenshaw is a combat veteran who served in the Navy as a SEAL team member and was wounded in Afghanistan.  He rose to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, is married, graduated from Tufts University, and has a graduate degree from Harvard University.  Congressman Crenshaw, who is serving in his third term, is a member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: A


Credit: US Rep. Dan Crenshaw



Credit: US Rep. Keith Self

District 3 - U.S. Rep. keith self (r)

Representing the northern and northeastern suburbs of Dallas, Congressman Keith Self is a freshman member of Congress who serves on the Veterans’ Affairs and Foreign Affairs Committees.  He was an Army Lieutenant Colonel, having graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point.  He earned his graduate degree from the University of Southern California.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: B



District 4 - U.S. Rep. pat fallon (R)

Representing the northeastern parts above Dallas, two-term Congressman Pat Fallon is a member of the Armed Services Committee and the Committee on Oversight and Reform.  The married father of two graduated from the University of Notre Dame and was an Air Force captain.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D


Credit: US Rep. Pat Fallon



Credit: US Rep. Lance Gooden

district 5 - U.S. rep. lance gooden (r)

A member of the Financial Services Committee, three-term Congressman Lance Gooden represents northeastern Dallas in the U.S. House.  He is married, the father of two, and graduated from the University of Texas with two undergraduate degrees.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D



district 6 - U.S. rep. jake ellzey (r)

Two-term Congressman Jake Ellzey is a former Commander who graduated from the United States Naval Academy and was deployed to Afghanistan.  A member of the Appropriations and Small Business Committees, Congressman Ellzey is married, the father of two, and represents a district located in northeastern Dallas.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Jake Ellzey



Credit: US Rep. Lizzie Fletcher

district 7 - U.S. rep. lizzie fletcher (D)

U.S. Representative Lizzie Fletcher is a three-term member of Congress whose district is in southwestern Houston.  Congresswoman Fletcher, who is married, graduated from Kenyon College and earned her law degree from the College of William and Mary.  She serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee, and the Committee on Science, Space and Technology.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B



district 8 - U.S. Rep. morgan luttrell (r)

Now in his freshman term in the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Morgan Luttrell represents the northern areas of Houston.  A graduate of Sam Houston State University with a graduate degree from the University of Texas, Congressman Luttrell was a Navy SEAL team member who was severely injured in a helicopter crash.  The married father of two today is a member of the Armed Services Committee, the Homeland Security Committee, and the Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Morgan Luttrell



Credit: US Rep. Al Green

district 9 - U.S. rep. al green (d)

Congressman Al Green represents southwestern Houston in the U.S. House and is a member of the Financial Services Committee.  He is a graduate of Tuskegee University and earned a law degree from Texas Southern University.  He is a ten-term member of Congress.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: C




district 10 - u.s. rep. michael mccaul (R)

Ten-term Congressman Michael McCaul is chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and a member of the Homeland Security Committee. His district runs from Austin over to northwestern Houston.  The married father of five graduated from Trinity University and has a law degree from St. Mary’s University. 

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Michael McCaul



Credit: US Rep. August Pfuger

district 11 - U.S. Rep. August Pfluger (r)

A former member of the National Security Council under President Donald Trump, an Air Force Colonel and United States Air Force Academy graduate, two-term Congressman August Pfuger represents middle Texas in a district that includes Midland and Odessa.  In addition to the Air Force Academy, Congressman Pfluger earned graduate degrees from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the Air University, and Georgetown University.  He is married, the father of three, and a member of the Homeland Security Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D




district 12 - U.S. Rep. kay granger (r)

Congresswoman Kay Granger is chair of the House Appropriations Committee and a fourteen-term member of the House.  The mother of three earned her undergraduate degree from Texas Wesleyan University and was a two-term Mayor of Ft. Worth.  Her district is located in northern Texas.  Congresswoman Granger has announced that she is not running for re-election in 2024.

Thomas Take: Not Running for Re-Election in 2024 (Open Seat) - Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Kay Granger



Credit: US Rep. Ronny Jackson

district 13 - U.S. Rep. ronny jackson (r)

A former presidential physician and Navy Rear Admiral, Congressman Ronny Jackson is serving his second term and represents much of the Texas Panhandle, including Amarillo.  A failed nominee to head the Department of Veterans Affairs under President Donald Trump, the married father of three, is a graduate of Texas A&M University and the University of Texas Medical School where he earned his medical degree. Jackson, has reportedly been demoted by the Navy to captain in 2022 following findings related to  alleged improper behavior on duty.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: F


district 14 - U.S. Rep. randy Weber (r)

Congressman Randy Weber represents southeastern coastal Texas in the U.S. House. The six-term member serves on the Foreign Affairs and Science, Space, and Technology committees.  He is married, the father of three, and graduated from the University of Houston.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D


Credit: US Rep. Randy Weber



Credit: US Rep. Monica De La Cruz

District 15 - U.S. Rep. monica de la cruz (r)

Serving her first term in Congress, Representative Monica De La Cruz represents southern Texas and is a member of the Financial Services Committee.  The mother of three graduated from the University of Texas.

Thomas Take: Nudging Republican

Thomas Rank: B




District 16 - U.S. Rep. veronica escobar (D)

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar represents the El Paso area in the U.S. House of Representatives. She is serving her third term in Congress and serves on the Armed Services and Judiciary committees. Congresswoman Escobar is married, a mother of two, a graduate of the University of Texas, and has a graduate degree from New York University.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Veronica Escobar



Credit: US Rep. Pete Sessions

district 17 - U.S. Rep. pete sessions (R)

Congressman Pete Sessions represents the central-east Texas area in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he is serving his thirteenth term in office.  He was defeated in 2018 but came back again in 2020.  Sessions is a member of the Financial Services Committee and the Committee on Oversight and Reform.  He is a former chair of the House Rules Committee.  The Congressman is married, the father of two, and a graduate of Southwestern University.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D




District 18 - VACANT

Due to the passing of Representative Shiela Jackson Lee, this congressional district which comprises central Houston is currently vacant. 

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: N/A

Website: N/A



Credit: US Rep. Jodey Arrington

district 19 - U.S. Rep. jodey arrington (r)

A former member of the George W. Bush Administration in several capacities, four-term Congressman Jodey Arrington represents West Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives in a district that includes Abilene and Lubbock. A member of the Ways and Means Committee and chair of the House Budget Committee, Arrington has an undergraduate and graduate degree from Texas Tech University.  He is married and the father of three.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D




district 20 - U.S. Rep. joaquin castro (d)

A graduate of Stanford University with a law degree from Harvard University, Congressman Joaquin Castro is serving his sixth term in Congress.  He is a member of the Foreign Affairs and Intelligence committees, married, and the father of three.  Castro’s district is centered in San Antonio. 

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Joaquin Castro



Credit: US Rep. Chip Roy

district 21 - U.S. Rep. chip roy (r)

Congressman Chip Roy is a three-term member of the U.S. House representing, parts of Austin and areas north of San Antonio.  A Judiciary and Veterans’ Affairs Committee member, Roy has an undergraduate and graduate degree from the University of Virginia and a law degree from the University of Texas.  He is married and the father of two.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D




district 22 - U.S. rep. troy nehls (R)

Congressman Troy Nehls represents the suburbs in and around southwest Houston.  The two-term Congressman is a former law enforcement officer and Major in the United States Army who served in Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Iraq.  He graduated from Liberty University and has a graduate degree from the University of Houston.  Nehls, married and the father of three, is a member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Judiciary Committee.  

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D


Credit: US Rep. Troy Nehls



Credit: US Rep. Tony Gonzalez

district 23 - U.S. Rep. Tony gonzalez (R)

Two-term Congressman Tony Gonzalez represents an area that stretches through southwest Texas.  A member of the Appropriations Committee, the married father of six graduated from Excelsior College and earned a graduate degree from American University.  He is a former Navy Master Chief Petty Officer who served in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: B




district 24 - U.S. Rep. beth van duyne (R)

Serving her second term in the U.S. House, Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne is a former Housing and Urban Development official from the Donald Trump Administration.  A graduate of Cornell University, the mother of two, is a member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Small Business Committee.  Her district includes the Ft. Worth and Dallas suburbs.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D


Credit: US Rep. Beth Van Duyne



Credit: US Rep. Roger Williams

district 25 - U.S. Rep. roger williams (R)

Former Major League Baseball player Roger Williams is a six-term member representing the Ft. Worth-Arlington areas east of Abilene.  A former Texas Secretary of State, the Texas Christian University graduate is chair of the Small Business Committee and a member of the Financial Services Committee.  He is married and the father of two.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D




district 26 - U.S. rep. michael burgess (r)

Congressman Michael Burgess is a former physician representing a district that spans the suburban areas north of Dallas and Ft. Worth.  The eleven-term member serves on the Budget, Rules, and Energy and Commerce committees.  His undergraduate degree is from the University of North Texas and his graduate degree, as is his MD, is from the University of Texas.  Dr. Burgess is married and the father of three.

Thomas Take: Not Running for Re-Election in 2024 (Open Seat) - Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D


Credit: US Rep. Michael Burgess



Credit: US Rep. Michael Cloud

district 27 - U.S. Rep. michael cloud (R)

Representing the Texas Gulf Coast around Corpus Christi, Michael Cloud is a three-term member who serves on the Oversight and Reform Committee and the Science, Space, and Transportation Committee.  The married father of three graduated from Oral Roberts University.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D




district 28 - U.S. Rep. henry cueller (D)

A former Texas Secretary of State, Henry Cueller, is a ten-term member of the House who represents the Rio Grande area in Congress.  His undergraduate degree is from Georgetown University.  He has a graduate degree from Texas A&M University, a law degree and doctorate from the University of Texas and is working on a Master’s degree at the Naval War College.  Cueller is married, the father of two, and serves on the House Appropriations Committee.

Thomas Take: Nudging Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Henry Cueller



Credit: US Rep. Sylvia Garcia

district 29 - U.S. Rep. sylvia garcia (D)

Three-term Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia represents eastern Houston in Congress and is a Financial Services and Judiciary Committee member.  She graduated from Texas Women’s University and has a law degree from Texas Southern University.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




district 30 - U.S. Rep. jasmine crockett (D)

A member of the Agriculture and Oversight committees, Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett is a first-term member.  Congresswoman Crockett’s district spans southern Dallas County. She graduated from Rhodes College with a law degree from the University of Houston.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Jasmine Crockett



Credit: US Rep. John Carter

district 31 - U.S. Rep. john carter (R)

A former judge, Congressman John Carter is an eleven-term member representing the northern suburbs around Austin.  He is a member of the Appropriations Committee and has an undergraduate degree from Texas Tech University and a law degree from the University of Texas.  Judge Carter is married and the father of four.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D




district 32 - U.S. Rep. colin allred (D)

A former NFL linebacker and Obama Administration official, Congressman Colin Allred is running for Ted Cruz’s U.S. Senate seat in 2024.  A graduate of Baylor University with a law degree from the University of California Berkeley, Congressman Allred is serving his third term in Congress.  Allred’s district is located in northeastern Dallas. He is a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and the Veterans’ Affairs Committee.  He is married and the father of two.

Thomas Take: Not Running for Re-Election in 2024 (Running for the Senate - Open Seat) - Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Colin Allred



Credit: US Rep. Marc Allred

district 33 - U.S. Rep. marc veasey (D)

A six-term member of the House, Marc Veasey represents Dallas and Tarrant counties in Congress.  A member of the Armed Services Committee and the Committee on Energy and Commerce, Congressman Veasey is married and the father of one.  He graduated from Texas Wesleyan University.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




district 34 - U.S. Rep. vincente gonzalez (D)

A member of the Financial Services and Foreign Affairs committees, four-term member Vincente Gonzalez represents the Gulf Coast region of Texas between Corpus Christi and Brownsville.  Married, the Congressman is a graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and has a law degree from Texas Wesleyan University.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Vincente Gonzalez



Credit: US Rep. Greg Casar

district 35 - U.S. Rep. greg casar (D)

Congressman Greg Casar is a freshman member of the House who is a former member of the Socialists party before his election to Congress.  He is a member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the Committee on Agriculture.  Representing parts of San Antonio, Casar holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: C




district 36 - U.S. Rep. brian babin (r)

A dentist who earned his dental degree from the University of Texas Health and an undergraduate degree from Lamar University, five-term Congressman Brian Babin represents the southeastern Houston area. Married and the father of five, Dr. Babin is a member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Science, Space, and Technology Committee. 

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D


Credit: US Rep. Brian Babin



Credit: US Rep. Lloyd Doggett

district 37 - U.S. Rep. lloyd doggett (D)

A former Texas State Senator and Texas State Supreme Court justice, fifteen-term Congressman, and delegation dean, Lloyd Doggett, represents the Austin and Travis County areas in Congress.  A graduate of the University of Texas with a law degree, Doggett is a member of the Ways and Means Committee, the Taxation Committee, and the House Budget Committee.  He is married and the father of two.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




district 38 - U.S. Rep. Wesley Hunt (r)

A United States Military Academy graduate at West Point, freshman Congressman Wesley Hunt represents the Houston area in Congress.  He also holds three graduate degrees from Cornell University.  A member of the Judiciary Committee, the Natural Resources Committee, and the Small Business Committee, Congressman Hunt is married and the father of three.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Wesley Hunt