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The supreme court

Here are profiles of Supreme Court Justices we are tracking through Thomas.


chief justice john G. roberts, Jr.

John Roberts is Chief Justice of the United States, assuming the high office in September 2005 following the death of his predecessor, William Rehnquist. President George W. Bush nominated the Chief Justice following a stint as a private lawyer, Attorney General’s office work under the Reagan and Bush 41 Administrations. He served on the U.S. Court of Appeal for the D.C. Circuit before his tenure on the Supreme Court. Roberts was initially nominated to fill the retiring legendary Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s seat, but that nomination was withdrawn when the Chief Justice passed. Roberts is a graduate of Harvard Law School, is married, and has one child.

Thomas Rank: B

Court website

The 2024 Justices


in order of appointment

Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, 1991 / Nominated by President Bush 41

Chief Justice John G.. Roberts, Jr., 2005 / Nominated by President Bush 43

Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., 2006 / Nominated by President Bush 43

Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor, 2009 / Nominated by President Obama

Associate Justice Elena Kagan, 2010 / Nominated by President Obama

Associate Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, 2017 / Nominated by President Trump

Associate Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, 2018 / Nominated by President Trump

Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett, 2020 / Nominated by President Trump

Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, 2022 / Nominated by President Biden


notable recent court cases

On June 16, 2020, the Supreme Court ruled to ensure workplace protections for LGBTQ employees. Justices ruled 6-3 that portions of the Civil Rights Act extend to gender identity and sexual orientation. Thomas supports the Supreme Court’s decision, which surprisingly included Justice Gorsuch in the affirmative.

On June 18, 2020, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 against the Trump Administration on ending protections for children under the DACA program. The ruling shields nearly 700,000 undocumented young immigrants from deportation, which the President and White House have long wanted. The Chief Justice sided with the majority on this ruling. Thomas supports the Supreme Court’s decision and thanks the Chief Justice for his clarity.

The Court also ruled on the availability of President Trump’s taxes and corporate records on July 8th, giving the Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr., access to his records but asked the lower courts to go back and examine the political or legal correctness of honoring Congressional subpoenas. From our perspective, the Supreme Court was masterful in this ruling, allowing law enforcement to determine what the President should or should not be held accountable for in a presidential election year—especially this President.

In perhaps one of the most controversial cases ever heard by the Supreme Court, the justices, on June 24, 2022, overturned Roe v. Wade. This landmark legislation made access to abortion a federal right in the United States. Fifty years of legal protection were dismantled by that decision, paving the way for individual states to curtail or outright ban abortion rights.  Abortion is now outlawed in many states automatically or through state action following the June 2022 decision. In addition, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote that specific other landmark rulings should be reconsidered, including established rights to contraception access, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.

The White House

The White House

With the addition of Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the high bench in 2020 and Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the high bench in 2022, the Court is decidedly now conservative in philosophy and practice.

When additional cases and their decisions come to light, we will share them with you and our Thomas ranking on these Justices.

We will profile other critical cases soon.