A modern American political mediazine

political activists

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The Lincoln Project

If any political activist group consistently got under Donald Trump’s skin in 2020, it was this innovative group - The Lincoln Project. Their ads were blistering and, more damaging, spot-on. A take-no-prisoners approach that matched everything the 45th president of the United States might throw at you for daring to oppose him and his electoral juggernaut. If this group gets audited by the IRS, we will all know the order came in retribution from 45 POTUS himself if he gets re-elected in 2024 and serves up his promised retribution to his sworn enemies. Searing ads from this group come out like clockwork, and we cannot wait to see what they come up with in the ‘24 cycle. And the team behind The Lincoln Project in 2020 had the gravitas to pound the President: long-time Republican media consultant Rick Wilson; Republican political strategist John Weaver; campaign executive Steve Schmidt; brand expert Ron Steslow; California Republic Party executive Mike Madrid; communications expert Jennifer Horn; political reformer Reed Galen; and, attorney George Conway. This is the gang who could, in Thomas’ opinion, and we will be watching for no other reason than that this is what makes politics our sport of choice!



Republican voters against trump

That said, then comes along the activist group Republican Voters Against Trump. The double whammy to President Trump’s easy coasting plans to re-election. This one had to keep Brad up at night because the group effectively supplemented what The Lincoln Project was doing with real-world Republican voices who were and still are speaking out very strongly against the President’s re-election in 2020. We are confident will be in 2024 as well—led by Bill Kristol, a former Bush 41 insider of the highest caliber and an impeccable Republican whose blood courses with political genes from Eisenhower, Reagan, Bush, and maybe even Lincoln himself, this group was and will be hammering Donald Trump from the other side of the media divide. Their ads are effective and impactful. They are compelling and telling. It will be interesting to see how the election season plays out with this group taking the former President to task for what he has done and failed to do with his presidency. As their lead quote says, “I’d rather vote for a tuna fish sandwich before I’d vote for Donald Trump again.” How many Republicans will join them?


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priorities usa

The activist group Priorities USA represents the blue side of the political coin, a super PAC that helped get Barack Obama re-elected President of the United States. A progressive group, very much focused on the voter, Priorities USA, is looking for revenge in 2024 after Donald Trump and the gang took out this group’s favored candidate in 2016 - Hillary Rodham Clinton. Its founder is Bill Burton, a Deputy White House Press Secretary for President Obama from 2009 to 2011. After remaining neutral throughout the 2020 primary season, Priorities USA eventually endorsed Joe Biden. It will be interesting to see what influence they may still have in the presidential politics season of 2024. Was it a one-time success story, or can history repeat itself?
