A modern American political mediazine

trump’s double dirty dozen dossier


Ben Everidge for Thomas


double dozen dirty trouble …

(Disclosure: A registered Independent and former Democrat, the author voted for Donald Trump. Thomas does not endorse or directly oppose any candidate for office)

The dossier is troubling. Deeply troubling.

No. We’re not talking about that dossier - the Steele Dossier - but the double dirty dozen dossier of Trump’s actions that have people debating whether The Donald will be ranked slightly above or definitely behind the worst president in American history, the hapless Herbert Hoover.

Thomas invites you to read: Presidents Ranked

Hoover, you will remember, presided over the advent of the Great Depression in America. He even tried to convince America that everything would soon get better when, in fact, events were spinning out of control on him. Unemployment was at a record 29 percent, food was in short supply, bankruptcies were rampant and seemingly endless, war drums were beating in distant lands, unrest was brewing on the home front among the masses, corruption and crime were escalating, and a viable political opponent was closing in on him with the approaching presidential re-election plans.

Sound familiar?

It should be because we appear to be there again as November 2020 approaches.

Donald J. Trump, the 45th president of the United States, is openly agonizing about several problems pressing him and his administration as America gets ready to go to the polls and cast their ballots for or against him.

More than two dozen presidential decisions, either when he was a candidate or after he took office, have plagued President Trump among the electorate with only a few short months before decision day.

Here are the problematic choices Mr. Trump has made that have made his road back to the White House an uncertain adventure. This is not an exhaustive list, unfortunately. It could well grow to the triple dirty dozen in no time at all (we’re not that cynical - just realists):  

1.  Mr. Trump cheated on two of his three wives, the latest with a porn star while she was pregnant.

2.  Trump University folded in scandal and legal inquiry.

3. The Trump Foundation was closed while under investigation for self-dealing and not correctly supporting charitable efforts as announced.

4. Barack Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii, so it appears that Mr. Trump claimed it erroneously.

5.  Grab them by the private parts—Access Hollywood tape.

6.  The Obama Administration tapped Trump Tower in his March 2017 allegation, which the Trump Justice Department eventually discounted.

7. The election that was supposedly “rigged” for Hillary Clinton and millions who supposedly voted were not eligible, even though candidate Trump won that election.

8.  Mexico will pay for the border wall.

9.   “Mexicans are rapists.”

10. The inauguration was more significant than Obama’s, and the media was lying about its size, which aide Kellyanne Conway dubbed the White House charges “alternative facts.”

11.  Did not know about Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal payments by Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen.

12. Mueller obstruction on Russia and the alleged “complete and total exoneration,” said in a March 2019 Tweet.

13. Obstruction of Congress on their Ukraine inquiry when he falsely claimed interfered in the 2016 election, not Russia (the real reason was that he wanted Ukraine to investigate rival Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, to undermine Biden’s now-presumptive nomination to be the Democrat candidate for President in 2020).

14. The campaign chairman, vice chairman, personal lawyer, personal advisor, and national security advisor were all convicted of crimes when Trump was in office, despite a campaign pledge to “drain the swamp.”

15. The immigration policy that separated children from their families as they attempted to cross the border was alleged to be an Obama policy, and Trump denied that they separated children.

16. Emolument violations at Trump’s DC hotel.

17. "Article II allows me to do whatever I want,” Trump says in an interview with ABC News in June 2019, even though it doesn’t.

18. China is paying for the tariffs in our tariff war, but don’t look at American farmers who are getting hurt by this - we will bail them out soon.

19.  COVID-19 is a Democrat hoax, and the outbreak will be temporary. “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle. It will disappear.” (February 27, 2020).  More than 95,000 have died to date, despite earlier White House predictions of a much lower number of fatalities.

20. Anyone who wants a coronavirus test can get one (March 6, 2020, and May 11, 2020). “Anybody that needs a test gets a test. We—they’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful. If somebody wants to be tested right now, they can be tested.”

21.  We will protect people with pre-existing medical conditions even though the White House and Trump Department of Justice are arguing before the Supreme Court that all of the Obamacare provisions should be struck down.  He also said he would improve healthcare, reduce costs, and improve coverage.  People with Obamacare should relax.

22. Trump now says he was being sarcastic when he suggested in an April 23, 2020, White House COVID briefing to inject disinfectants to combat COVID-19.  “I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injecting the inside or almost cleaning it? … It would be interesting to check that.”  Trump also suggested that people be exposed to intense light to negate the coronavirus.

23. The Highest White House and Administration key personnel turnover (firings) in history: four chiefs of Staff, two secretaries of State, two secretaries of Defense, two homeland security secretaries, two FBI Directors, two attorney generals, two HHS Secretaries, two VA Secretaries, three national security advisors, and three CIA Directors.

24. Trump announced that no US troops were hurt in Iran’s January 7, 2020, attack on an American military base when, in fact, 11 service personnel were treated for concussions.  “No Americans were harmed in last night’s attack by the Iranian regime.  We suffered no casualties. Our soldiers are safe; only minimal damage was sustained at our military bases.”  The base suffered extensive damage.

Our honorable mention? How about:

  • US Senator Ted Cruz’s father was a participant in the JFK assassination (2016).

  • Hurricane Dorian will hit Alabama – the Sharpie map September 4, 2019.

  • Windmills cause cancer.

  • Hydrooxychloroquine is a cure for coronavirus.

  • “Obamagate.”

  • Trump shrugs off the Saudi prince’s killing of the Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

  • Media are “the enemy of the people.”

  • I was joking when I asked Russia to hack Hillary Clinton.

We will keep you posted as developments - and Trump allegations - warrant.