A modern American political mediazine

The california delegation


congressional officials …

California is the largest and most diverse of the congressional delegations in the nation.

Of the 54 members in the 2022-2023 class, 36 are male, and 18 are female., Half (27) are minority representation through the end of the year. Sixteen are lawyers, two have medical degrees, three have doctorates, and 22 graduate degrees have been conferred upon the group.

The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) has conferred eight degrees - the highest any delegation members received. California State University (Cal State) has conferred seven degrees, while the University of Southern California and Stanford have conferred four degrees each. 

One delegation member is a former Lieutenant Governor, and two are former U.S. House of Representatives Speakers in the 2023-2024 class.

One member of the California congressional delegation is a combat-decorated military member from the Vietnam War, having earned a Purple Heart.  A few are authors.

The average tenure for the delegation is currently 5.9 terms, assuming they complete their service through the end of 2024. The longest-serving member has been in Congress for 17 terms.

Six members of the California delegation are freshmen, and three were seeking a U.S. Senate seat in 2024. Two were defeated in the primary and thus are now leaving their House seats.

When you look at these profiles, we have given each a letter grade for their effort this Congress, based on various factors, which you will find in What Is Thomas Looking For? These letter grades are probably pretty familiar to you if you have ever been a school student (we hope the answer to that is we all have!)

If you see a meager score for a particular member, it will probably be due to one or two key factors: ethics challenges or anti-democratic behavior.

  • Republicans have been hit hard on their lack of pushback on former President Trump and their support of election denying in the 2020 presidential campaign. The unanswered soaring deficit on their watch, the dismantling of allied relationships around the globe, and opposition to funding anti-authoritarian initiatives. The denial of climate change weighs heavily on us as well. We make no secret that transparency and Government in the Sunshine are essential to us, and we further argue that some have been awful stewards of this category. For example, five current 54 California delegation members voted to overturn the 2020 presidential election results the same evening as Trump supporters stormed the United States Capitol.

  • Democrats have been hit hard for their lack of progress on critical matters because they control the United States Senate and have a razor-close margin in the U.S. House of Representatives. They have not been innovative or necessarily insistent on finding rational, reasonable solutions to the problems plaguing the American public today. We want to see more and better.

  • Both have been dinged for being too partisan and not collaborative where evident. In our opinion, being too doctrinaire and obstructionist to good government in the 21st century gets one a bad grade.

We also indicate what we believe might be the outcome of these Members’ 2024 elections today. The overwhelming majority of House members were re-elected in 2022, but, as we said, several Democrats lost to Republicans in the surprise of their lives, perhaps. One of two United States Senators is up for re-election this season but has said she will not seek re-election in 2024.

Our prospect ratings fall into three categories:

  • Safe Bet - which means what it means. These members of Congress are running strong and look to be overwhelming prospects for re-election at this time. However, we reserve the right to re-categorize their chances if necessary.

  • It’s A Race - means this race is too close to call, and we can not reasonably predict who will win this seat.

  • Nudging - means the seat is leaning one way or another for this candidate. We have just a small number of current members of Congress in this category. Stay tuned!

So, would you like to meet these fascinating Californians? If so, keep reading on!

What Is Thomas Looking For?

Here are the vulnerable races we are watching in California for 2024:

  • CA03 - Kevin Kiley’s seat (Incumbent R)

  • CA13 - John Duarte’s seat (Incumbent R)

  • CA22 - David Valadao’s seat (Incumbent R)

  • CA27 - Mike Garcia’s seat (Incumbent R)

  • CA40 - Young Kim’s seat (Incumbent R)

  • CA41 - Ken Calvert’s seat (Incumbent R)

  • CA45 - Michelle Steel’s seat (Incumbent R)

  • CA47 - Katie Porter’s open seat (Incumbent D)

  • CA49 - Mike Levin’s seat (Incumbent D)

the senators


Credit: US Sen. Alex Padilla

United States Senator alex padilla (D)

California’s senior senator is Alex Padilla who only came to the United States Senate in 2021 to fill the seat left vacant by Kamala Harris’ election to be Vice President.  A former California secretary of state, Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate Padilla serves on the Judiciary Committee; the Environment and Public Works Committee; the Energy and Natural Resources Committee; and the Rules and Administration Committee.  Senator Padilla is married and the father of three.

Thomas Take: Not Up for Re-Election in 2024

Thomas Rank: B



Credit: US Sen. Laphonza Butler

United states senator Laphonza Butler (D)

California’s junior senator is serving her first term in the Senate and although up for re-election in 2024 is not running for the seat following a pledge not to do so when appointed by Governor Gavin Newsome in late 2023.  A former labor union official and head of the influential Emily’s List, Senator Butler is a graduate of Jackson State University, is married, and the mother of one.  She serves on the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee; the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee; the Judiciary Committee; and the Rules and Administration Committee.

Thomas Take: Not Running for Re-Election in 2024 (Open Seat) - Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B



the representatives


Credit: US Rep. Doug LaMalfa

district 1 - u.s. rep. doug lamalfa (r)

Congressman Doug LaMalfa is six-term member of the U.S. House who is married and the father of four.  A graduate of California Polytechnic State University, LaMalfa serves on the Agriculture Committee; the Natural Resources Committee; and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.  His district lies in northeastern California.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D



district 2 - U.S. Rep. jared huffman (d)

Six-term Congressman Jared Huffman represents the northern coast of California from the Golden Gate area up to the Oregon border.  Married and the father of two, Congressman Huffman graduated from the University of California Santa Barbara and has a law degree from Boston College.  He serves on the Natural Resources and Transportation and Infrastructure committees.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Jared Huffman



Credit: US Rep. Kevin Kiley

District 3 - U.S. Rep. kevin kiley (r)

Representing the Sierra Nevada region that includes the northeastern suburbs of Sacramento, freshman Congressman Kevin Kiley is a member of the Education and Workforce Committee and the Committee on the Judiciary.  He is married, graduated from Harvard University, has a graduate degree from Loyola Marymount University, and earned his law degree from Yale University.

Thomas Take: Nudging Republican

Thomas Rank: B



District 4 - U.S. Rep. mike thompson (d)

Representing northwestern California including Napa Valley, thirteen-term Congressman, Mike Thompson is a Vietnam War veteran who was awarded the Purple Heart for his combat service.  A member of the Ways and Means Committee, the married father of two, holds a graduate and undergraduate degree from Cal State University.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Mike Thompson



Credit: US Rep. Tom McClintock

district 5 - U.S. rep. tom mcclintock (r)

A member of the Natural Resources, Budget, and Judiciary committees, eight-term Congressman Tom McClintock represents the Sacramento suburbs including areas near Fresno over into Yosemite.  He is a graduate of the University of California Los Angeles, a widower, and the father of two.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: A



district 6 - U.S. rep. ami bera (d)

Six-term Congressman Ami Bera represents Sacramento County where he is a member of the Foreign Affairs and Intelligence committees,  The married father of one graduated from the University of California Irvine with both an undergraduate and medical degree.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Ami Bera



Credit: US Rep. Doris Matsui

district 7 - U.S. rep. doris matsui (D)

U.S. Representative Doris Matsui is a ten-term member of Congress whose district is in downtown Sacramento.  Congresswoman Matsui graduated from the University of California Berkeley, is married, the of mother of one,  and a member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B



district 8 - U.S. Rep. john garamendi (r)

A former Lieutenant Governor to Arnold Schwarzenegger, John Garamendi is now an eight-term member of the House, after having also served as a Clinton Administration interior department official.  The married father of six is a graduate of the University of California Berkeley with a graduate degree from Harvard University.    His district is in the northern California region and includes San Francisco to Sacramento neighborhoods. Garamendi is a member of the Armed Services Committee and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. 

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. John Garamendi



Credit: US Rep. Josh Harder

district 9 - U.S. rep. josh harder (d)

Congressman Josh Harder represents the San Joaquin Valley area in and around Stockton in the U.S. House and is a member of the Appropriations Committee.  He is a graduate of Stanford University and earned two graduate degrees from Harvard University.  He is married and the father of one.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




district 10 - u.s. rep. mark desaulnier

Five-term Congressman Mark DeSaulnier is a member of the House Education and the Workforce Committee; the Ethics Committee; and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.  The father of two is a graduate of the College of the Holy Cross and represents eastern San Francisco.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Mark DeSaulnier



Credit: Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi

district 11 - speaker emerita nancy pelosi (D)

A former Speaker of the House - the first woman in history - from 2007 to 2011 and from 2019 to 2023, Nancy Pelosi is a fourteen-term member who currently has no committee assignments.  She is married and the mother of five representing most of San Francisco in Congress.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




district 12 - U.S. Rep. barbara lee (D)

Congresswoman Barbara Lee is a thirteen-term member of Congress who has announced that she is running for the U.S. Senate in 2024.  A graduate of Mills College with a graduate degree from the University of California Berkeley, Lee is a member of the Appropriations and Budget committees and is married and the mother of two.

Thomas Take: Not Running for Re-Election in 2024 (Open Seat - Defeated in Primary Run for the Senate) - Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: C


Credit: US Rep. Barbara Lee



Credit: US Rep. John Duarte

district 13 - U.S. Rep. john duarte (r)

Representing the San Joaquin Valley area in Congress, freshman John Duarte is a member of the Agriculture Committee; the Natural Resources Committee; and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.  Married and the father of four, Duarte is a graduate of San Diego State University and has a graduate degree from the University of the Pacific

Thomas Take: It’s A Race (Nudging Democrat)

Thomas Rank: B


district 14 - U.S. Rep. eric swalwell (D)

Congressman Eric Swalwell is a six-term member of the House who represents eastern Alameda County.  Holding an undergraduate and law degree from the University of Maryland, Swalwell is a member of the Homeland Security Committee and the Judiciary Committee.  Speaker Kevin McCarthy removed him from the House Intelligence Committee for yet unsubstantiated reasons that were also investigated by the House Ethics Committee which closed the case.  A member of the Trump impeachment team, Congressman Swalwell is married and the father of three.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: A


Credit: US Rep. Eric Swalwell



Credit: US Rep. Kevin Mullin

District 15 - U.S. Rep. kevin mullin (D)

Serving his first term in Congress, Representative Kevin Mullin represents the San Mateo County area southeast of San Francisco.  A graduate of the University of San Francisco with a graduate degree from San Francisco State University, Mullin serves on the Natural Resources Committee as well as the Science, Space, and Technology Committee.  He is married and the father of two.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




District 16 - U.S. Rep. anna eshoo (D)

Congresswoman Anna Eshoo represents the Silicon Valley area in the U.S. House of Representatives where she is serving her eleventh term in Congress.  A member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, the mother of two, has announced that she is not seeking re-election in 2024.  Eshoo has an Associate of Arts degree.

Thomas Take: Not Running for Re-Election in 2024 (Open Seat) - Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Anna Eshoo



Credit: US Rep. Ro Khanna

district 17 - U.S. Rep. ro khanna (D)

Congressman Ro Khanna represents the South Bay and East Bay areas around San Francisco in Congress,  The four-term member is a graduate of the University of Chicago and has a law degree from Yale University.  The married father of two is a member of the Armed Services Committee and the Oversight and Accountability Committee.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




District 18 - U.S. Rep. zoe lofgren (D)

Ten-term member of Congress Representative Zoe Lofgren represents the Silicon Valley around San Jose and Santa Clara County.  A graduate of Stanford University with a law degree from Santa Clara University, Lofgren was a member of the Trump impeachment team.  Married and the mother of two, Congresswoman Lofgren is the ranking member of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee and is a member of the Judiciary Committee.  

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: A


Credit: US Rep. Zoe Lofgren



Credit: US Rep. Jimmy Panetta

district 19 - U.S. Rep. jimmy panetta (D)

A former Naval Intelligence Officer with Afghanistan combat chops, four-term Congressman Jimmy Panetta, the son of Leon Panetta, represents the San Jose to Carmel-By-The-Sea community.  A member of the Armed Services Committee, the Budget Committee, and the Ways and Means Committee, Congressman Panetta is married and the father of two.  He graduated from the University of California Davis and has a law degree from Santa Clara University.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




district 20 - u.S. Representative Vince fong (r)

The Central Valley district includes the southern Sierra Nevada and western Mojave Desert area of California.  It was represented by former Speaker and House member Kevin McCarthy until he resigned after being removed.  Vince Fong, a district director to McCarthy won the special election to fill out the remaining term.  Married, Fong earned his bachelor’s degree from UCLA and a master’s degree in public administration from Princeton University.  He serves on the Space, Science, and Technology Committee and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

Thomas Take: Running for Re-Election - Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: N/A


Credit: U.S. Rep. Vince Fong



Credit: US Rep. Jim Costa

district 21 - U.S. Rep. jim costa (D)

Congressman Jim Costa is a ten-term member of the House who represents the San Joaquin Valley and Fresno area.  A graduate of California State University, Costa is a member of the Agriculture and Foreign Affairs committees.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




district 22 - U.S. rep. david valadao (R)

Representing the San Joaquin Valley and Fresno communities, two-term Congressman David Valadao is a member of the House Appropriations Committee,  The married father of two was one of a small handful of Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump.  His district leans Democrat but he was re-elected in 2022.

Thomas Take: It’s A Race

Thomas Rank: A


Credit: US Rep. David Valadao



Credit: US Rep. Jay Obernolte

district 23 - U.S. Rep. jay obernolte (R)

Two-term Congressman Jay Obernolte is a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.  The married father of two graduated from Cal Tech, and has a graduate degree from UCLA and a DPA degree from California Baptist University.  His district includes parts of Los Angeles County and San Bernardino. 

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D




district 24 - U.S. Rep. salud carbajal (D)

Serving his fourth term in the U.S. House, Congressman Salud Carbajal serves on the Agriculture Committee; the Armed Services Committee; and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.  The married father of two graduated from the University of California Santa Barbara and has a graduate degree from Fielding Graduate University.  His district includes San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Salud Carbajal



Credit: US Rep. Raul Ruiz

district 25 - U.S. Rep. raul ruiz (D)

A graduate of UCLA with a graduate and medical degree from Harvard University, Congressman Raul Ruiz is serving in his sixth term in the U.S. House of Representatives.  Married and the father of two, representing the San Bernardino County area, Dr. Ruiz is a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




district 26 - U.S. rep. julia brownley (D)

Congresswoman Julia Brownley represents a district in the Ventura and Los Angeles Counties area.  The mother of two is serving her sixth term in Congress and is a member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Veterans’ Affairs Committee.  She graduated from George Washington University and has a graduate degree from American University.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Julia Brownley



Credit: US Rep. Mike Garcia

district 27 - U.S. Rep. mike garcia (R)

Congressman Mike Garcia is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy with combat duty in Iraq rising to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.  He also holds a graduate degree from Georgetown University.  The married father of two serves on the Appropriations Committee as well as the Committee on Science, Space and Technology, and the Select Committee on Intelligence. His district lies in Los Angeles County.

Thomas Take: It’s A Race

Thomas Rank: B




district 28 - U.S. Rep. judy chu (D)

Congresswoman Judy Chu is the first Chinese-American female member of the U.S. House ever and represents a district in Los Angeles County.  Now in her eighth term, Congresswoman Chu, who is married, serves on the Small Business and Ways and Means committees.  She is a graduate of UCLA and holds a graduate degree and doctorate from Alliant University.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Judy Chu



Credit: US Rep. Tony Cárdenas

district 29 - U.S. Rep. tony Cárdenas (D)

Congressman Tony Cárdenas is a six-term member of the U.S. House representing the San Fernando Valley.  He has announced that he is not running for re-election in 2024.  A graduate of the University of California Santa Barbara, the married father of four, is a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee.

Thomas Take: Not Running for Re-Election in 2024 (Open Seat) - Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




district 30 - U.S. Rep. adam schiff (D)

Twelve-term Congressman Adam Schiff announced that he is running for the U.S. Senate and will not be seeking re-election to the US. House.  Schiff won his primary race and will be on the November ballot.  A graduate of Stanford University with a law degree from Harvard University, Schiff was a Trump impeachment manager and is a member of the Judiciary Committee.  Speaker Kevin McCarthy removed him from the Select Committee on Intelligence.  He was also censured by the House in what appeared to be a highly political retribution.  The married father of two represents the Pasadena-Hollywood area.

Thomas Take: Not Running for Re-Election (Open Seat Running for US Senate ) - Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: A


Credit: US Rep. Adam Schiff



Credit: US Rep. Grace Napolitano

district 31 - U.S. Rep. grace napolitano

The current oldest member of Congress, Grace Napolitano is a thirteen-term Representative representing the San Gabriel Valley area, including parts of Los Angeles County.  The widowed mother of five has announced that she will not be seeking re-election in 2024.  Napolitano is a member of the Natural Resources Committee and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

Thomas Take: Not Running for Re-Election in 2024 (Open Seat) - Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




district 32 - U.S. Rep. brad sherman (D)

An accountant by earlier profession, fourteen-term Congressman Brad Sherman represents the San Bernardino area in the U.S. House.  A member of the Financial Services and Foreign Affairs committees, Sherman is a graduate of UCLA with a law degree from Harvard University, is married, and the father of three.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Brad Sherman



Credit: US Rep. Pete Aquilar

district 33 - U.S. Rep. pete aquilar (D)

Chair of the House Democratic Caucus, five-term Congressman Pete Aquilar is a member of the Appropriations Committee and represents the San Bernardino area in Congress.  He is a graduate of the University of Redlands, is married and ,the father of two.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




district 34 - U.S. Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D)

Representing Los Angeles in the U.S. House, four-term Congressman Jimmy Gomez is a member of the Oversight and Accountability Committee and the Select Committee on Intelligence.  Married, and a graduate of UCLA, Gomez also earned a graduate degree from Harvard University.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Jimmy Gomez



Credit: US Rep. Norma Torres

district 35 - U.S. Rep. norma torres (D)

A former mayor of Pomona, five-term Congresswoman Norma Torres represents the Chino area east of Los Angeles in the U.S. House.  A member of the Appropriations Committee and the House Administration Committee, Torres is a graduate of National Labor College, married, and the mother of three.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




district 36 - U.S. Rep. ted lieu (D)

A U.S. Air Force veteran who rose to the rank of Colonel, five-term Congressman Ted Lieu is a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Science, Space and Technology Committee.  The married father of two graduated from Stanford University with two undergraduate degrees before earning a law degree from Georgetown University.  His district includes the Santa Monica and Beverly Hills areas of Los Angeles.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: A


Credit: US Rep. Ted Lieu



Credit: US Rep. Sydney Kamlager-Dove

district 37 - U.S. Rep. sydney kamlager-dove (D)

Representing the western and southwestern neighborhoods of downtown Los Angeles, freshman Congresswoman Sydney Kamlager-Dove is a member of the Foreign Affairs and Natural Resources committees.  The married Congresswoman is a graduate of the University of Southern California and holds a graduate degree from Carnegie Mellon University.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




district 38 - U.S. Rep. linda Sánchez (D)

Congresswoman Linda Sánchez is a member of the House Ways and Means Committee and is serving in her eleventh term in Congress.  A graduate of the University of California Berkeley with a law degree from UCLA, the married mother of one Congresswoman represents suburban eastern Los Angeles.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Linda Sánchez



Credit: US Rep. Mark Takano

district 39 - U.S. Rep. mark takano (d)

Representing the Palm Springs area in Congress, Mark Takano is a six-term member of the U.S. House serving on the Education and Workforce Committee and is the ranking member on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee.  He is a graduate of Harvard University and has a graduate degree from the University of California Riverside.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




district 40 - U.S. Rep. Young Kim (r)

Two-term Congresswoman Young Kim represents the San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange County areas.  A graduate of the University of Southern California, the married mother of four serves on the Financial Services and Foreign Affairs committees.

Thomas Take: Nudging Republican

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Young Kim



Credit: US Rep. Ken Calvert

district 41 - U.S. Rep. Ken Calvert (r)

A graduate of San Diego State University, eleven-term Congressman Ken Calvert is a member of the Appropriations Committee.  He represents Riverside County.

Thomas Take: Nudging Republican

Thomas Rank: D



district 42 - U.S. Rep. Robert Garcia (d)

A former mayor of Long Beach, Congressman Robert Garcia is a freshman member of Congress who represents the Long Beach area in Congress.  He is a member of the Homeland Security and Oversight and Accountability committees.  The married Congressman graduated from California State University and has his doctorate in education from Cal State as well.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Robert Garcia



Credit: US Rep. Maxine Waters

district 43 - U.S. Rep. maxine waters (D)

Seventeen-term Congresswoman Maxine Waters represents southern Los Angeles in Congress.  The ranking member of the Financial Services Committee, Waters graduated from California State University, is married, and the mother of two.  She has had several ethics issues to contend with during her career.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: F




district 44 - U.S. Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragán (d)

Nanette Diaz Barragán is a four-term member of Congress serving on the Energy and Commerce Committee.  Her district is in the southern Los Angeles harbor area. The Congresswoman is a graduate of the University of California Los Angeles and has a law degree from the University of Southern California.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragán



Credit: US Rep. Michelle Steel

district 45 - U.S. Rep. michelle Steel (r)

A graduate of Pepperdine University with a graduate degree from the University of Southern California, two-term Congresswoman Michelle Steel represents central Los Angeles County in Congress.  The married mother of two is a member of the Education and the Workforce Committee, the Ways and Means Committee, and the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party Committee.

Thomas Take: It’s A Race

Thomas Rank: B




district 46 - U.S. Rep. lou correa (d)

Four-term Congressman Lou Correa represents the Orange County area in Congress that includes Anaheim and Santa Ana.  A former businessman before his election, Correa is a graduate of California State University and earned a graduate and law degree from UCLA.  He is a member of the Homeland Security and Judiciary committees, is married, and the father of four.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Lou Correa



Credit: US Rep. Katie Porter

district 47 - U.S. Rep. Katie Porter (d)

Congresswoman Katie Porter announced she was running for the U.S. Senate and not be seeking re-election to her House seat in 2024.  Porter lost her primary race for the Senate. Representing the Irvine-Laguna Niguel area in Orange County, Porter serves on the Natural Resources Committee and the Oversight and Accountability Committee.  The mother of three graduated from Yale University and earned her law degree from Harvard University.

Thomas Take: Not Running for Re-Election (Open Seat Running for US Senate) - Nudging Democrat

Thomas Rank: A




district 48 - U.S. Rep. darrell issa (r)

A former businessman, eleven-term Congressman Darrell Issa represents northern San Diego in Congress.  An Army Captain who graduated from Sienna College, Issa serves on the Foreign Affairs Committee, the Judiciary Committee, and the Science, Space, and Technology Committee.  He is the father of one.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Republican

Thomas Rank: D


Credit: US Rep. Darrell Issa



Credit: US Rep. Mike Levin

district 49 - U.S. Rep. mike levin (d)

A member of the Natural Resources Committee and the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, three-term Congressman Mike Levin represents coastal north San Diego.  A graduate of Stanford University with a law degree from Duke University, the Congressman is married and the father of two.

Thomas Take: Nudging Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




district 50 - U.S. Rep. scott peters (d)

Scott Peters represents coastal central San Diego as a six-term member of Congress.  A graduate of Duke University with a law degree from New York University, the married father of two serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee and the House Budget Committee.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Scott Peters



Credit: US Rep. Sara Jacobs

district 51 - U.S. Rep. Sara Jacobs (D)

A member of the Armed Services Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee, two-term Congresswoman Sara Jacobs represents central and eastern San Diego. She is a graduate of Columbia University holding both undergraduate and graduate degrees from that institution.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B




district 52 - U.S. Rep. JUan Vargas (D)

Six-term Congressman Juan Vargas represents San Diego County in the U.S. House.  He is a member of the Financial Services Committee, a graduate of the University of San Diego, earned a graduate degree from Fordham University, and a law degree from Harvard University.  Vargas is married and the father of two.

Thomas Take: Safe Bet Democrat

Thomas Rank: B


Credit: US Rep. Juan Vargas